Monday, April 18, 2011

The global economy's shift. Follow-ups all over

In January 2011 Martin Wolf wrote an introduction to my article The global economy’s shifting centre of gravity in Global Policy but decided not to follow it up himself.

Recently, the article has seen some coverage in the international media.

I'm not lazy, not really. But if I divert all these writeups into just this blog, reader comments are lost as they remain on the original website. And those comments are, well, some of the most interesting things I get to read regularly.

So WSJ's Chris Shea The pull of economic gravity 2011.03.19, CNN's Global Public Square 2011.04.07, NYT's Catherine Rampell 2011.03.24, FT's Alphaville 2011.03.23, and even FT's John Gapper 2011.03.24, who calls me "Mr Shah" (Damn you, Autocorrect), are best left in their native domains. There are items to aid teaching (econlife 2011.03.27), posts in languages I don't completely understand (Javier Andres's East Wind, West Wind 2011.04.14), versions souped-up into colorful alternate projections (Anders Sandberg's 2011.04.15), interpretations from different parts of the world and therefore providing, literally, different perspectives (2.6 billion 2011.03.25), and, not least, reactions from friends like Bill Easterly, as in his Should the West get hysterical?2011.03.23.

Of the many different comments, I found particularly memorable:

By the way, it's intriguing to find people saying that what you write are things they already know, and when you ask them how they know it, they say, Everyone has been saying these things for a while now. In my experience, just as many people say the opposite. Either way, whatever you find with hard work on real data, you can't win.

I'm not complaining. Just saying.

1 comment:

Ann Arbor Fridge Repair said...

Thank youu for sharing this